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Tarot Cards

If you are interested in learning more about tarot cards, you should start by learning the basic rules. Reading the tarot is a lot like that. Doing daily readings is an easy way for novices to learn the mysteries of tarot, also doing this will get in contact more frequently with your Inner Guide. Buy a book which covers the basics - there should be meanings of the cards explained in a simple and straightforward manner.

During the main reading, if there's an issue that I want a timing on, I shut my eyes briefly, and if I don't hear my voice coming out with a time-interval, I'll hand the querent the timing deck, get them to shuffle it briefly, then cut it at the point where the deck wants to separate (rarely the middle).

One variation tarot card layout, which you will most likely come across when learning to read tarot cards is the past, present, future spread. 1) Step horoscope number 1 in how to read tarot cards is relax. Generally, a tarot card reader will find that she rarely places three upright, positive-energy cards.

The 78 tarot card can be divided into two groups, numbered 0 to 21 which contain the 22 Major Arcana cards and suits of 56 Minor Arcana. You may eventually reach the point where you find the cards restricting and prefer to work without them, this can be a good thing, however, it is always useful to have a deck on hand in case you need to confirm your intuition.

Don't read more than twice a month for anyone, as the readings will become muddled. For example, the Wheel of Fortune card will represent the twists of fate in a reading. The taro cards are not supposed to be read individually as any tarot card meaning will be affected by its position in the spread as well as the tarot cards surrounding it. You can think of it like the words in a sentence.